The Prescribed Prayer: Chapter One (cont.)
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Tayammum means to resort to pure earth as
a substitute for clean water for purification. One may resort to Tayammum
in the following cases:
When water is not available, or it is available
but it is insufficient for both Wuduu and drinking needs.
Inability of an individual to use available
water due to illness.
When the use of water may prove to cause sickness
or illness.
Tayammum is performed in the following sequence:
Bring Niyyah in the heart.
Say: "Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem."
In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful.
Strike the hands with the open palms on clean
earth, stone, sand, or gypsum. Shake off the excess and wipe only the face
and the arms to the elbows.
Tayammum is a complete substitute for Wuduu
and Ghusl, hence it may be used to perform anything that Tahaarah, purification,
is essential for, such as Salaah, handling Al-Quran, etc.
Tayammum is annuled by anything that nullifies
Wuduu, because it is a substitute for Wuduu. The availability of abundant
water, or the ability to use water, also nullify Tayammum. If one has already
prayed and then finds water, he does not have to repeat his prayer. If
he finds water after Tayammum, but before prayer, his Tayammum is nullified
and he should make fresh Wuduu.
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