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However, Al-Masjid has since the dawn of Al-Islaam been the best environment for Islaamic studies and th& performance of religious services. It has been the center of preaching and guidance; it has served as a court of law where disputes are reconciled, and it has been like a social forum where Muslims assemble to discuss topics of common interest.
Jaabir bin Abdullah reported that the Prophet (s.'a.s.) said:
"I have been conferred five (things) which were not granted to anyone before me: Every apostle was sent particularly to his own people, whereas I have been sent to all the red and the black; the spoils of war have made lawful for me, and these were never lawful to anyone before me; and the earth has been made sacred and pure and a mosque for me, so whenever the time of prayer comes for any one of you he should pray wherever he is; and I have been supported by awe (by which the enemy is overwhelmed) from the distance (which one takes) one month to cover; and I have been granted intercession." (Muslim)
On the other hand, building a Masjid has been recommended. In Hadeeth reported by Othmaan, the Prophet said:
"Whoever builds a masjid seeking the reward from Allah by so doing, Allah will build for him a house in the Paradise." (Muslim/ Al-Bukhaaree)
Allaahumma j'al fee qalbee | O Allah, make light in my heart, and |
nuuran wa fee lisaanee nuuran, | light in my tongue |
Allaahumma j'al fee sam'ee | O Allah, make light in my ear, and |
nuuran wa fee basaree nuuran | light in my eye, |
Waj'al min khalfee nuuran wa | Make light behind me, and light |
min amaamee nuuran, waj 'al | before me and make light above me, |
min fauqee nuuran, wa min | and light beneath me |
tahtee nuuran, | |
Allaahumma 'atinee nuuran | O Allah, bestow upon me light. |
When entering Al-Masjid, one should enter with the right foot first and say:
A'uudhu billaahil 'Azeem wa | I seek refuge in Allah, the Magnifi- |
biwajhiheel kareem wa sultaa- | cent, in His Glorious Self, and in His |
nihil qadeem minash shaitaanir | Eternal Dominion, from Shaitaan the |
rajeem | outcast. |
Bismillaah Allaahumma salli | In the name of Allah, O Allah, send |
'alaa Muhammad | blessings on Muhammad, |
Allaahumma ghfir lee dhunuu- | O Allah, forgive me my sins and open |
bee waftah lee abwaaba | unto me the gates of Your mercy. |
rahmatika. |
When leaving Al-Masjid, one leaves with his left foot first and says the following:
Allaahumma ghfir lee dhunuu- | O Allah, forgive me my sins and open |
bee waftah lee abwaaba fadlika, | unto me the gates of Your bounty, |
Allaahumma 'asimnee minash | O Allah, protect me from Shaitaan |
shaitanir rajeem | the outcast. |
"A person entered the mosque while the Prophet (s.'a.s.) was delivering the khutbah on Friday. The Prophet said to him 'Have you prayed?' The man replied in the negative. The Prophet said, 'Get up and pray two raka'aats'." (Al-Bukhaaree)
"Prayer in Al-Masjidul Haraam, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, is rewarded hundred thousand prayers; in my masjid, Masjid Nabawee, is rewarded one thousand prayers, and the prayer in Masjidul Aqsaa, the masjid in Jerusalem, is rewarded five hundred prayers." (Ahmed)
"He only shall tend Allah's sanctuaries who believe in Allah and the last Day and observe prayer..." (Al-Quran, 9:18)
The Prophet said:
"These masaajid are not fitting for urine and filth, it is for the Dhikir Allah, remembrance of Allah, and reciting of Al-Quran." (Muslim)
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