The Prescribed Prayer: Chapter One (cont.)
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It is recommended to keep the following in
mind when relieving oneself:
Say before entering the toilet:
Bismillaah, Allaahumma |
In the name of Allah, O Allah! I seek |
inee a'uudhu bika minal |
refuge with You from all offensive and |
khubthi wal khabaaith |
wicked things (evil deeds and evil spirits.) |
(Al-Bukhaaree) |
It is not permissible to enter the toilet
while carrying anything that bears the name of Allah, such as Al-Quran,
or any book with the name of Allah in it, or jewelry such as bracelets
and necklaces engraved with the name of Allah.
One should keep silent while in the toilet.
Thus, talking, reading, answering the greetings, and greeting others are
not to be done in the toilet, except in a life-threatening situation, such
as guiding a blind person. Even if one sneezes, one should say in his mind
Lillaah. In Hadeeth reported by Ibn 'Umar, the Prophet (s.a.s.) was
urinating when a man passed by and greeted him, but the Prophet did not
answer him.
If a person is driven by necessity to relieve
himself in an open place, he or she should not face Al-Qiblah or turn his
back to it. In Hadeeth reported by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (s.a.s.) said:
"Whenever anyone of you sits to relieve
himself, he should not face Al-Qiblah or give it back." (Muslim)
One should be out of sight of people, thus
the doors of the toilet should be securely closed. Jaabir (r.'a.) reported:
"We traveled with the Prophet and whenever
he relieves himself, he keeps out of sight so that he would not be seen."
(Ibn Maajaa)
One should avoid urinating, or otherwise,
in the holes under shade or fruit trees, on river banks or at the edge
of water tanks, at places where people perform ablution, in the graveyard
or the masjid. In short, one should avoid places where people take rest
or gather for any purpose.
After using the toilet, one should make Istinjaa,
cleaning oneself with water. This should be done before making Wuduu, otherwise
the Wuduu is considered invalid. One may use water and paper for Istinjaa.
After relieving oneself, one should say the following Du'aa:
Alhammdu lillaahilla dhee |
Praise be to Allah who relieved me of |
adhhaba 'annil adhaa wa |
the filth and gave me relief. |
'aalaanee. |
(Ibn Maajaa) |
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