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"(The Prophet) Ibraaheem, the friend
of Allah, was circumcised when he was eighty years old; he was circumcised
at Qaduum (a place in Shaam), or with a carpenter's instrument." (Al-Bukharee)
Although no time is set for the circumcision, it is recommended that the operation be done on the day of 'Aqeeqah, the day the child is named, seven days after the child's birth.
These acts are better if done once a week so that one appears clean. Other Sunnahs by Muslim and others recommend that no one should neglect this Sunnah more than forty nights.
"Act against the polytheists, trim
closely the moustache and grow the beard." (Al-Bukhaaree/Muslim)
The beard is a sign of manhood and full dignity. Indeed, these acts are much needed among the Muslim Ummah as it is hard these days to differentiate between man and woman as they sometimes tend to dress, walk, and talk the same. This is why the Prophet forbade men behaving like women and women behaving like men. May Allah protect us.
"Let he who has hair respect it." (Abu
However, the Prophet prohibited cutting the hair on one side and leaving the other side grow. He said:
"Cut it all or leave it all." (Muslim)