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"O believers, when you get up for prayer, wash up your faces and your hands up to the elbows and wipe your heads and wash your feet up to the ankles..." (Al-Quran, 5:7)
One performs Wuduu with clean water in the following procedure:
Ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill | I bear witness that there is no deity | |
Allah, wahdahuu laa shareeka | but Allah, He is one and has no | |
laha. Wa ashhadu anna | associate. And I bear witness that | |
Muhammadan `abduhuu wa | Muhammad is His servant and | |
rasuuluhu. Allaahumma | Messenger. O Allah, join me with those | |
j`alnee minat tawwaabeena | who repent of their sins again and | |
waj`alnee minal mutatahireen | . | again, and join me with those who |
keep themselves neat and clean at | ||
all times. |