The Prescribed Prayer: Chapter One (cont.)

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Al-Islaam, as a sign of grace and facility, has allowed a Muslim to wipe over the socks with wet hands for the purpose of Wuduu, if the socks have been worn after performing a Wuduu where the feet were washed. One may wipe over the socks for a day and night if one is staying, and three days if one is on a journey.

Humaam An-Nakha'ee (r.'a.) related:

"Jareer bin Abdullah (r.'a.) urinated and then made wuduu and wiped on his khuffs (leather socks), so he was asked: You do that after urination? Jareer answered: Yes, I saw the Prophet (s.a.s.) urinate and then made Wuduu and wiped on his socks." (Muslim/Al-Bukhaaree)

Originally, wiping is allowed on special leather slippers known as Al-Khuff, but by analogy with it, the following are included: woolen, nylon, cotton, and silk socks as well as stockings. However, these socks should not be transparent so as to reveal the skin or get wet while one is wiping over them.

As for the procedures of Mash, wiping on the socks in Wuduu, after one has washed up every part of Wuduu up to the ears, one needs not remove the socks; instead, one may wipe over the upper part of the socks once. One then starts wiping the feet from the toes and closes up with the ankles for each sock.
The body parts cleaned by Wuduu or Al-Ghusl are supposed to be washed with water during purification. But if any of these parts are sick, burned, wounded, or has an abscess or tumor, and it is difficult to wash, wiping each affected part with water is required.

If the wounded part is bandaged or plastered, one should wipe over the bandage and wash the sound parts with water. If there is difficulty in doing this, Tayammum, purification using clean, dry sand or dirt, is required.

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