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Although Al-Quran enjoined this prayer on the Prophet, the Muslims, being his followers, are obligated to observe it. Allahu ta'aala says:
"And pray in the small watches of the morning (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee soon will thy Lord raise thee to a station of praise and glory." (Al-Quran, 17:79)
Allahu Ta'aala has praised those who observe the Tahajjud and describes them with praise-worthy qualities. He calls them muhsineen, righteous, and muttaqeen, Allah fearing ones. Allah emphasizes that they will not be equal, those who observe it and those who don't He says:
"Is one who worships devoutly during the hours of the night prostrating himself or standing (in addition), who takes heed of the Hereafter, and who places his hope in the mercy of his Lord (like one who does not)? Say: are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endowed with understanding that receive admonition." (Al-Quran, 39:9)
"Whoever goes to bed with niyyah to
wake up at night for Salaah and he is unable to wake up until morning,
Allah will reward him according to his niyyah and his sleep becomes sadaqh
(charity) from his Lord." (Nasaaee)
Laailaaha illaa anta sub- | There is no deity but Allah, Glorified |
haanaka as taghfiruka li | is Your Name, I seek Your forgive- |
dhanbee wa as aluka min | ness for my sins and I ask You Your |
rahmatika, | Mercy, |
Allaahumma zibnee 'elman | 0 Allah, increase me in knowledge, |
walaa tazigh qalbee ba'ada | do not turn my heart (from Al-Islam) |
idh hadaitanee wa hablee | after You have guided me, grant me |
min ladunka rahmah innaka | from You mercy, indeed, You are the |
antal wahhaab, | bestower of mercy, |
Alhamdu lillaahilladhee | Praise be to Allah who has resurrected |
ahyaanaa ba'ada maa amaa | us after He has caused us to death, |
tanaa wa ilaihinnushuur. | and to Him is our return. |
As one finishes reciting this Du'aa, one recites ten verses towards the end of Suurah Aali 'Emraan, chapter 3, verse 190, to the end of the Suurah, beginning from:
"Behold in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are indeed signs for men of understanding." (Al-Quran, 3:190) to the end of the Suurah. This is followed by:
Allaahumma lakal hamd | 0 Allah, to You is due all praise, |
anta nuurus samaawaati wal | You are the Light of the Heavens and |
ard wa man feehinna wa | the earth and what is in them, |
Lakal hamd anta qayyimus | Praise be to You, You are the |
samaawaati wal ard wa man | Custodian of the Heavens and the |
feehinna, | earth and what is in them. |
Wa Lakal hamd antal Haqq | Praise be to You (Allah), You are |
wa wa'adukal Haqq wa li | the Truth, Your Promise is the Truth, |
qaauka aqqun wal jannatu | Your encounter is the Truth, the |
haqqun wan Naaru haqqun | Paradise is true, the Hell is true, the |
wan nabiyyuna haqqun wa | Apostles are true, Muhammad is true, |
Muhammad haqqun was sa'a | the Resurrection is true, |
atu haqqun. | |
Allaahumma laka aslamtu | 0 Allah, to You I surrender, In You |
wa bika aamantu wa 'alaika | I believe, on You I depend, to You I |
tawakkaltu wa ilaika anabtu | repent, I fight for Your sake and for |
wa bika khaasamtu wa ilaika | |
You I pass a verdict, | |
haakamtu | |
Fagh fir lee maa qaddamtu | Forgive me what I have done in the |
wa maa akhkhartu wa maa | past and what I may do in the future, |
asrartu wamaa a'alantu | what I hide and what I made manifest. |
antallaahu laa ilaaha illaa | You are the Creator, there is no deity |
ant. | but You. |
"If any one of you stood up for Tahajjud
and the recitation of Al-Quran becomes heavy on his tongue, and he does
not know what he is saying, he should lay down." (Muslim)
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