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Subhaanallaah Wal hamduli- | Glory be to Allah and Praise be to |
llaahh wa laa ilaaha illallah | Allah and there is no deity but Allah, |
Wallaahu Akbar | Allah is the Greatest. |
Then bow down in Rukuu'u, in which you say the above Tasbeeh ten times, then raise up from Rukuu'u and say it ten times. Fall down in prostration and say it, while in prostration, ten times, raise up from prostration and say it ten times. Fall in prostration and say it, while in prostration, ten times, then raise up from prostration and say it ten times. That will be seventy-five times, then you say the same (seventy five Tasbeehs) in the rest of three Raka'aats.
The Prophet (s.'a.s.) continued:
"If you can offer this prayer every day do it, but if you can't do it every day, do it once every Friday, if not, once a year, if not, once in a lifetime." (Abu Daaud)
This Hadeeth has several chants of transmission according to Al-Haafig Ibn Hajar and many others.
Indeed, the forgiveness mentioned in Hadeeth is conditioned that one sincerely repent from the sin and has intended not to persist in doing the sin.
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