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Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar | Allah is Greatest (two times) |
Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar | Allah is Greatest (two times) |
Ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill | I bear witness that there is nothing |
Allah, Ash hadu allaa ilaaha | worthy of worship but Allah (two |
ill Allah | times) |
Ash hadu anna Muhammadar | I bear witness that Muhammad is the |
Rasuulullah | Messenger of Allah (two times) |
Ash hadu anna Muhammadar | |
Rasuulullah | |
Hayya 'alas Salaah, | Hasten to the Prayer (two times) |
Hayya 'alas Salaah, | |
Hay ya 'alal Falaah, | Hasten to real success (two times) |
Hayya 'alal Falaah, | |
Allaahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar | Allah is Greatest (two times) |
Laa ilaa'ha ill Allah. | There is nothing worthy of worship |
but Allah. |
In the morning prayer, Salaatus Subh, the following words are added into Al-Adhaan after "Hayya 'alal Falaah":
As Salaatu Khairun minan | Prayer is better than sleep (two |
maum, As Salaatu khairun | times). This is known as Tathweeb. |
minan maum. |
The Sunnah recommends that while al-Adhaan is being announced, no Suunah prayers should be started; instead, one should listen to it with due attention, and repeat silently the words of al-Adhaan after the Muadhdhin, but when he says Hayya 'alas Salaah, and Hayya 'alal Falah, one should say:
Laa haula wa laa quwwata | We are helpless to do good or abstain |
illa billah | from evil without Allah's help. |
After al-Adhaan, one may say the following Du'aa, supplication:
Allaahumma rabba haadhihid | 0 Allah, Lord of this most perfect |
Da'awatit taammati, | call, |
Was Salaati qaamati aati | And of the prayer which is about to |
Muhammada nil waseelata wal | be established, grant to Muhammad |
fadeelata, | the favor of nearness (to Thee) and |
excellence, | |
Wad darajatar rafee 'ata | And a place of distinction and exalt |
wab'ath hu maqaamam mahmu- | him to a position of glory which |
udanil ladhee wa 'adtahu, | Thou has promised him. |
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